Advantages of a British Limited Liability Company

The most important advantages of a British Limited Liability Company are:

  • Liability does not extend past stock ownership
  • Private property is protected. However, there are specific requirements with regard to the protection of private property, for example, if you wish to protect your shareholders and not pierce the corporate veil, then you must maintain enough equity within your company to do so.
  • Stocks: Must be worth a minimum of 1 British Pound. These stocks do not need to be paid nor proven.
  • Nominal Capital: Must stay in reasonable relation to the sales of the LLC in order to avoid Piercing of the Corporate Veil.
  • Financing: When financing a company it is illegal for shareholders to publically announce stock offers.
  • Establishment and Follow-up Costs: The establishment of a British Limited Liability costs 1500.00 Euros.
  • The follow-up costs are relatively high and are incurred through the filing of necessary paperwork as well as balance sheet reports. The cost is comparable to a German tax accountant.
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