Das M- Visum

M-Visa status pertains to vocational students. The M Visa is similar to F-1 except it is used at vocational/ nonacademic institutions.


The requirements for this category are:

  1. Full Course is defined as:
    • Study in community/junior college for 12 semester/quarter hours leading to a specific educational and/or vocational objective.
    • Study at a post-secondary vocational/business school, other than language training program; which awards a degree or has its credits accepted by 3 accredited academic institutions. Twelve hours of instruction per week or its equivalent are required.
    • Study in vocational or other nonacademic curriculum, including a language training program taken at the school to further vocational training; 18 hours per week if predominantly classroom or 22 hours if predominantly shop/lab. Flight schools, cooking schools and other vocational schools are included.
    • Study in vocational or other nonacademic high school curriculum for not less than minimum number of hours for normal progress toward a degree.
    • No Online Courses or Distant education
  2. Commuter students from Canada and Mexico may attend school part time or full time in the U.S. as M-3 visa holders as long as they are not residing in the U.S.
  3. In order to obtain M must present SEVIS Form I-20 to consular officer, pay the SEVIS (I-901) fee, and meet the same general criteria for a student.
  4. Admitted for time necessary to complete course + 30 days, or for one year, whichever is less.
  5. Extension of Stay: Can cumulatively obtain extensions up to 3 years (+30 days) from the original start date to complete program.
  6. Cannot begin vocational studies until student enters the U.S. with the M-1 visa or c/s to M-1.
  7. SEVIS/Data Collection: Congress now requires approved institutions for M programs to keep computerized data on students and exchange visitors and their accompanying family members that includes their current address and status at the institution. The students are required to pay a fee to operate the program. The program called SEVIS (Student and Exchange Visitor Information System) is now mandatory for all schools issuing SEVIS I-20s.
  8. Family Members: Must individually obtain SEVIS Form I-20s. 8 C.F.R. Family members cannot obtain employment. Nor family members engage in full time study unless it is a child attending primary or secondary school. Can only obtain an extension of stay if M-1 obtains an extension.

Unsere Leistungen hinsichtlich des Einwanderungsrechts

Unsere Leistungen im Rahmen des USA Einwanderungsrechts umfassen:

  • Beantragung der Arbeitserlaubnis für die USA
  • Beantragung der USA Green Card oder auch Permanent Resident Card genannt
  • Beantragung des Arbeitsvisums, wie L-1A, L-1B, H-1B, E-1 Visum, E-2 Visum
  • Beantragung des Studentenvisums
  • Vorbereitung der Unterlagen für die Visumslotterie
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